Chapter 6: “Introduction to the 3G Patent Platform Initiative”

[Summary of Chapter 6]: Chapter 6 begins to describe the experience of the Platform in the creation of a program for aggregated patent licensing.  The history of the Platform is described, including the various phases of work, and the specific companies participating in each phase.  This is a very hands-on chapter, intended to be of direct benefit to parties creating and administering aggregated licensing programs.


[Brief Excerpt from Chapter 6, pp.240, 241, 242]:

Third generation networks will make possible a plethora of wireless multimedia services on cellular networks.  However, there is an obstacle that must be eliminated.  Over fifty companies hold patents necessary for the realization of 3G products, patents which are generally called “essential patents”.  This is an unprecedented situation.  In the older 2G systems, fewer companies held essential patents.  In the 2G system known as GSM, for example, there were less than 20 companies with essential patents…The Platform is a proposed solution to the problem of fragmented IPR…[and] is just that – a “platform” for dealing with…complexities of multiple standards and multiple technologies not faced by prior patent arrangements [such as patent pools].

To Continue to Chapter 7 –Click Here.


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