True Patent Value


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Video – Introduction to the Book: Press Here.

Video – Case Study from one patent in Chapter 4: Press Here

Description of the Book:

Patent owners are constantly asking, “How do I know if my patent’s any good?”  The author, a U.S. registered patent lawyer specializing in the technical areas known as Information & Communication Technologies, has been asked this question dozens of times.  He wrote this book specifically to answer the questions, “What is a high-quality patent?”, and “What is a valuable patent?”

The book includes three main sections:

  • First, a review of basic patent concepts, and of techniques used by professional patent evaluators to review and rate patent quality.
  • Second, twenty case studies of more than fifty patents – specific patent claims are shown to be good or bad, resulting in patent sales for millions of dollars, court decisions for hundreds of millions of dollars, or in some cases, complete loss.  This section also includes an analysis of the patent portfolios of three high-tech companies, reviewed by quality, by geographic balance, and by balance over time.  Each case study or portfolio analysis concludes with a short and pointed list of “Lessons Learned”.
  • Third, a summary in an easy-to-understand Question & Answer format organized by main topic, followed by a Glossary of more than eighty terms used in patent analysis.

Intended Audience:

This book is intended for four groups of readers:

(1) Entrepreneurs and engineers who until now had no way of judging how good their patents are;

(2) Patent lawyers and agents looking for a concentration of live cases where specific drafting created (or failed to create) valuable patents;

(3) Corporate executives, corporate Board members, and patent brokers, contemplating the purchase or sale of patent portfolios;

(4) Investment advisors, equity analysts, and investment bankers working with high-tech companies, who need to understand whether a patent portfolio truly adds value.

About the Author:

Larry M. Goldstein is a U.S. patent lawyer specializing in Information & Communication Technologies. He evaluates patent quality, manages patent portfolios, and creates patent harvesting programs for high-tech companies. He helped establish the patent pool for 3G W-CDMA technology, specifically in creating the methodology for determining the essentiality of patents to the W-CDMA technical standard, preparing licensing agreements to implement FRAND terms & conditions, and obtaining the approval of the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice.  He is a co-author of the book Technology Patent Licensing: An International Reference on 21st Century Patent Licensing, Patent Pools and Patent Platforms. Mr. Goldstein holds a B.A. from Harvard College, an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, and a J.D. from the University of Chicago Law School. His web site is


TRUE PATENT VALUE is Larry M. Goldstein’s manifesto, his credo, his unique message, his rallying cry to the value-sensitive sector of the intellectual property world….Whether you fancy a go at valuing your own patents or…want to get a genuine feel of the subject so that you can better assess the advice received from professionals, you won’t be disappointed by this readable, lucid tome.!.  Jeremy Phillips, in the blog entitled IPKat, December 1 2013.

TRUE PATENT VALUE is an extremely useful resource for patent attorneys and agents of all levels of experience, and for anyone else who wishes to understand what makes a patent good and valuable. With detailed explanations and examples based on real patents, cases, and transactions, the book explains concepts of patent value in a way that is easy to understand and with lessons that can be put into practice.  Excellent and well done!

  Gary A. Hecht Patent Litigator and Partner, Fox Rothchild LLP (Philadelphia)

TRUE PATENT VALUE provides a systematic and objective framework for assessing patent quality and value.  The method of analysis will be extremely useful to entrepreneurs, engineers, business managers, corporate executives, and analysts of high-tech companies. Logically structured and well presented, the book explains major ideas in a clear and user-friendly way.

                                                Brian N. Kearsey Founder of the W-CDMA patent pool (London)


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