Chapter 7: “Structure, Function and Governance”

[Summary of Chapter 7]:

Chapter 7 is a continuation of the description of the 3G Patent Platform, describing specific bodies within the aggregated licensing administrator.  The structure, roles, functions, and governance of each body are explained.  A comparison is made between two different royalty models – a high royalty model without aggregated licensing, and a low royalty model with aggregated licensing.  These models are not merely theoretical, because in industries with fragmented ownership of essential IP, royalty rates can run as high as 30% or more for companies that do not have their IP to cross-trade.


[Brief Excerpt from Chapter 7, pp.271-271]:

This chapter is intended:

  • To outline the approved Platform structure, functions, and governance mechanisms…
  • To outline the key factors that influenced the selection of the structure and governance mechanisms…
  • To demonstrate how the Platform provides a pragmatic business tool for licensors to achieve competitive commercial advantage…
  • To demonstrate how the Platform [essentiality] evaluation and [commercial] licensing structures may be used for other technologies experiencing the “fragmented IPR” problem…and
  • To outline the status for the practical realization of the Platform (as of early 2004).

To Continue to Chapter 8 –Click Here.




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